About Us
Hospice Hug is Peopleware with real people behind it.
We develop our solutions with the experts - experienced hospice professionals gifted in providing care to others. Our mission is the creation of true hospice support solutions that empowers patients, families, and providers alike to address the “peoplework” of hospice care.
We are absolutely committed to finding solutions that...
Improve patient and family care
Reduce or eliminate process inefficiency and redundancy
Soften regulatory burden and exceed requirements
Are easy to use and help - not
hinder - support and processes for family and patient care
We create Hospice Hug solutions as “peopleware.” Try it, and if you disagree let us know. That is how we make improvements.
Hospice Hug is a proud sponsor of the
Advances in Bereavement Education Series developed under the
Brandenburg Maas Life Transition Center. Through this effort we are
able to support the continuing education of hospice bereavement
professionals free of charge.
To learn more go to www.advancesinbereavement.org